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4 Simple tips new Track and Field Athletes need to know

4 Simple tips new Track and Field Athletes need to know

4 Simple tips new Track and Field Athletes need to know

1: Introduce change gradually

Starting up a workout by jogging is challenging to a new runner or experienced athlete coming off a long off season. So start gradually, feeling your way. There is no need to puff; just a steady controlled consistent movement and breathing is all you need. And as you get fitter, you can run a bit faster with controlled respiration.

Expect unusual tiredness and soreness because your nerves are sending a message to your brain on behalf of your muscles and joints, telling you to wait a bit longer before you ask it to do that again.

In the beginning take longer breaks while staying focused on your goal to gradually run faster, or longer, or running up and down hills.

Remember Even top Track and field and Cross Country runners do, and pay the penalty of training too hard too fast, and risk a running injury.

2: It's a contact sport

Track and Field events all involve contact with something often times its with a hard mondo track, rocky hills, paved roads, wet grass, hard pavement, Long Jump take off board e.t.c Time after time, sprint after sprint, stride after stride, jump after jump a runner and athlete will make contact with the ground with a force that is greater than their body weight. So remember to observe tip Number 1 above.

3: Flexibility is important

Pole vaulters and High jumpers probably seek the most flexibility because the jump events require flexibility of joints that  can be used precisely; however all runners and athletes will greatly benefit from the greatest range of flexibility an athlete can achieve. Sprinters are the quickest runners, of course, and should have a wide range of motion around their joints in order to cover the most amount of ground with the most amount of speed without feeling restricted. Distance runners will absolutely find their workouts and performance, enhanced by the ability to use fluid movements when running since the distance covered is always long.

4: When and how to fuel

Fueling before and after a workout is a personal journey. some athletes perform better without a morning snack and others don't.

some marathon runners like to go out for their long runs without any food prior to the run, as they believe that will teach them to conserve their muscle glycogen (glucose) supply 

our liver controls our blood glucose level and developing better blood glucose control is one of the big benefits of running

In short, Working out and running is best done when the blood supply is not being simultaneously challenged by digestive requirements. If you plan well, you will have a relatively empty stomach before you runor workout, around three or more hours after a light meal, or in the morning after a good meal the night before.