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Six eating secrets of successful Track and field athletes

Six eating secrets of successful Track and field athletes

Six eating secrets of successful Track and field athletes

Six eating secrets of successful Track and field athletes and the reason why.

1. They eat to repair and rebuild muscle tears, breakdown and inflammation caused by everyday training.

Eating complex carbohydrates spares muscle protein, avoids Prolonged muscle fatigue that last days after workout is completed. Sweet potato, Yams, Squash, Pumpkin, Oatmeal, Plantain, Cassava, Almonds, Macadamia nuts, Walnut.

2. They eat healthy oils to relieve the extra pressure put on the heart to pump faster and stronger.

Not all oils are made equal. Peanut butter (ones that do not contain hydrogenated oils), Olive Oil, Avocados, Almond butter. Fatty fish like albacore tuna (fish is a great source of protein however always check for mercury levels), Salmon, Mackerel, Unsalted nuts and Coconut oil ( Please consume in moderation, any fats your body does not use is stored and can lead to weight gain.)

3. They eat to provide the necessary nutrients needed to heal weak joints, strengthen the immune system, speed up healing and recovery.

All dark leafy greens, Carrots, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Spinach, Kale, Purple Cabbage.

Apples, Oranges, Melon, Watermelon, All Berries, Pineapples, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Tangerines, Mangoes, Pears and Avocado

4. They eat to avoid dizzy spells, frequent headaches, chronic exhaustion, stomach cramps or discomfort. The best practice is the eat even when you are not hungry, as highly trained athletes know that sometimes as a result of training and efficiency the body sometimes will adapt and not trigger hunger, however you need to eat and drink in order to stay hydrated and energized.

5. They eat for energy to lift heavier weights, run faster, jump higher and throw farther. Some distance runners will carbo load the night before a race, however elite athletes know that carbo-Loading the night before a race especially when you have not eased into it can be detrimental to your race.  So avoid eating Pizza, high protein energy bars, nachos and drinking sugary hydration sports drinks as they can deter your progress during training and worse during the race. 

6. They eat according to their level of activity to avoid Loss of power, strength, endurance and overall performance. All athlete body times are different, while digesting a high carb, starchy meal might be good for an endurance athlete after a 10 mile run. It might be the kiss of death for a 100m sprinter who just finished a 300mx 6 reps speed endurance workout.


Bon Appetit!